Južnoafriškemu kolektivu The Brother Moves On se bo danes zvečer na odru Gale Hale pridružil slovenski pianist, skladatelj in producent Bowrain.
To seveda ni čisto nič nenavadnega, saj že njihovo ime namiguje na fluidnost sestava, ki s spremenljivostjo pridobiva na raznolikosti zvoka:
»An experimental performance art/music/storytelling collective in which members come and go – or “move on” – so that their sound evolves with the changing personnel, and so the energy and momentum of the collective isnt dependent on any members«
Bowrain (1983, Ljubljana) is a contemporary composer, pianist, and producer. In 2014 he released his debut album Far Out, which he recorded in Amsterdam. The release of the album was held in Amsterdam’s Sugarfactory, followed by numerous performances as a support to main acts such as LAMB, Garden City Movement, Fennesz, Perera Elsewhere, Arms and Sleepers. To date, he has released several singles, one album, and one EP. His previous studio recordings used to be entirely individual, however, the recent album DISTRACTED is a collaboration with Ljubljana based guitarist and producer Mario Babojelić – UM and German drummer Robert Nitschke.